Category Archives: On Living Here Now

Hang in there!

Perseverance comes up all the time with writing, recently on Brian Keene’s podcast. Hanging in there encompasses a lot of different skills (patience, tolerance, coping,…). I took 29 years, to the month or so, between selling to these two magazines. Since Tim Murr bought my tale last October, others have sold, which highlights my biggest mistake for three decades– I kept writing, but I never sent anything out… So, submit your stories if you want to be in print. Not a brilliant take, but a lived one.

Nitrate Picture Festival 2023

Attended The Nitrate Picture Festival at the George Eastman House over the last few days. Saw Wizard o Oz and The Third Man yesterday on original prints, but Fritz Lang’s You and Me also made a big impression. You & Me was a math lecture surrounded by a musical, a heist, gangsters, social reform advice, and capitalism critique.