Seabury Quinn, Jr., was one of the people who gave me the strength to persevere

And I wish he knew that.

After recent posts on the anniversary of Harlan’s death, as well as attending Stokercon, I should try name-drop introducing myself as, “For a few months, I was teaching assistant to Seabury Quinn, Jr., whose significance was made clear to me by Harlan Ellison.” The answer is no, I shouldn’t, but I can maybe tell a story or one…

Nitrate Picture Festival 2023

Attended The Nitrate Picture Festival at the George Eastman House over the last few days. Saw Wizard o Oz and The Third Man yesterday on original prints, but Fritz Lang’s You and Me also made a big impression. You & Me was a math lecture surrounded by a musical, a heist, gangsters, social reform advice, and capitalism critique.