Category Archives: The Books

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Take The Politician’s Peregrination out for a spin!

Free on Kindle the rest of today!

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The Politician’s Peregrination is now available! Free for two days only!

As a thank you for reading my posts or blogs, I wanted to make my new book, The Politician’s Peregrination, available at a steep discount. Through Saturday, the Kindle edition is free for everyone. Click here!

You can read it on your favorite electronic device. The standard price of $2.99 will return on Sunday.

If you do take advantage of this splendid offer, then please click the stars in Amazon and even leave a review on the Amazon page. Also, feel free to share with all your friends!

Of course, you can also buy the paperback for $14.99.

Look for author notes coming out on Sunday!


House of Prair, Den of Thieves

Available now!

The first Morgan Prair mystery.

Disillusioned after divorcing his wife, Morgan Prair leaves his West Coast PI practice for the more straightforward environs of Pittsburgh.

Why Pittsburgh? Because he receives a house in the divorce settlement from his successful movie star ex. However, the house needs a lot of work and he takes on a tenant, a librarian at the University of Pittsburgh.

The University has recently taken over the massive Pittsburgh Masonic Lodge, hoping to add it to their library system. Potential delays arise when a skeleton is discovered in the walls of the attic. If only someone knew a good investigator who could expedite clearing up the strange history of the morbid discovery…