Family Valued: Pirates, scientists, and communists ahoy!

Arrr, we harr at the Family ‘alued pirate school, landlubbers mess, and drydock have randomly selected a ten-year-old from among the one immediately a’ailable. Ye’ll ne’er get me buried booty!

I hear there’s a new Pirates book out.
Oo-oo. Yes, I want to read it.

It’s called The Pirates in an Adventure with Communists. It’s from a series by Gideon Defoe. That’s an interesting name.
Well, they’re lotsa weird names in the world.

People might think we’re talking about any old pirates book.
Then they’re wrong. The first book that I read about the pirates was The Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists, where they’re in an adventure with scientists. There’s scientific stuff and the big finale is in a museum. And there’s The Pirates in an Adventure with Ahab, where they want to get a new ship because one of their masts is always falling over. In the book, they meet Captain Ahab and his ship. These books are very funny books about a ship full of pirates with a resemblance to a barrel of monkeys.

I’m not sure I understand.
Because the pirate crew is very silly. The pirate crew are like “the Pirate with a Scarf On” and the pirate captain who is the “Pirate Captain.”

Would you recommend these books?
To anyone who knows the stuff that they should know like basic pirate stuff and what pirates really do to make it more funny.

November, 2006

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