Family Valued: Pink Lemonade and Polar Bears

Daniel Pinkwater has been writing books for 35 years: picture books, young adult novels, adult novels, essay collections, and dog training manuals. During that time, he’s also become a familiar voice on NPR. If you randomly select a nine-year-old from within your household, he will probably be familiar with Pinkwater’s work, if not his name. Try it. I did.

What do you think of when I say, “Pinkwater?”
I think of a big, bald man who writes silly books. He is a writer who writes short or long silly books.

Most people would think of pink lemonade.

What’s your favorite book by Daniel Pinkwater?
The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death. Stuff happened. It’s about two kids who sneak out during the night and watch movies at the Snark Theatre and they go on this adventure which involves them, like, going after the world’s most wanted criminal.

Have you read any other Pinkwater books?
Yes, lots of them, like the Werewolf Club, Young Larry, I was a Second Grade Werewolf and The Frankenbagel Monster. They’re silly and they have nice plots. I would recommend them for kids who like reading and like silly stories.

What do you think of his obsession with polar bears?
I think it’s kind of strange, but I like the books he writes about them.

Silly seems very important to you.
Yes, because, I don’t know, I just have a sense of humor probably. I like having one ’cause I can understand all their jokes now.

October, 2005

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